20 September 2024
Second community battery set for Yackandandah Sports Park

A SECOND community battery for Yackandandah is set to be coming to Yackandandah Sports Park.

TOTALLY Renewable Yackandandah (TRY) hosted a community information evening on August 22 to provide details of the forthcoming community battery.

The battery addition to the multi-use facility, which is home to at least eight formal user groups, will deliver significant benefits in savings, resilience and reliability.

Supported by Indigo Shire Council and made possible with funding from the State Government, the battery is designed to continue operating during disruptions to the mains supply, providing welcome support during extreme weather or emergencies.

While the sports park is not a safe haven during fires, it can support the community during the recovery phase with essential amenities such as toilets, showers, shelter, and catering facilities.

The installation will include a 60kW solar system paired with a 200kWh battery, with community retailer Indigo Power appointed as the construction partner.

The battery will charge daily from the solar system, discharge each evening to power the stadium and contribute surplus clean energy to the local electricity network.

This collaborative initiative is made possible due to the enduring support of the Australian Ethical Foundation, via a $40,000 grant to kick-start the project and a $287,000 grant from the State Government’s 100 Neighbourhood Batteries Program.

Additionally, the Yackandandah Community Centre has pledged a $3000 community grant and the Yackandandah Folk Festival has also contributed.

TRY anticipates the battery will be operational by early 2025, marking another significant milestone in the community's journey towards 100 per cent renewable energy.

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