JANETTE MacKenzie was born in Melbourne, spent her early school years in Boronia then moved to the Yarra Valley attending Healesville High.
Healesville was home until 2019 where Janette and her husband ran their wholesale plant nursery before moving to Stanley.
What did you do workwise?
I was a pharmacy assistant for 30 years, full-time initially then part-time when our two children came along.
I now help out at Planetrees Estate in Stanley preparing guest accommodation and helping my husband on our farm where we grow potatoes and vegetables.
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What brought you to your pharmacy role?
Not being enthused about pursuing an academic path, I chose a career in pharmacy which I enjoyed for many years due to the personal services aspect of the job.
What do you love about the work you have done and do now?
Apart from being forever grateful in gaining work locally and being able to grow in maturity and knowledge, I must say my most treasured memories are the relationships I formed with my customers.
At Planetrees Estate I have a wonderful work environment where I feel appreciated and I take pride in my work.
I have also recently completed my Reiki qualifications and wish develop this into a career where I can offer these services to both animal and humans alike.
What do you do in the community?
I joined the Friends of Stanley Athenaeum to get to know locals and interact with the community.
Now I’m enjoying a new role, learning new skills and have gained treasured friendships.
I’m also a member of the Wangaratta Hand Weavers and Spinners group at the Milawa Hall.
I enjoy weekly yoga practice with Katja in Beechworth too.
What do you love about living in Stanley and why?
Apart from the stunning country side, I would have to say that I’m in love with the community who have been so welcoming and supportive.
It is so refreshing to be a part of such a wonderfully motivated, caring and social group.
Is there an important community issue you think needs addressing?
There appears to be a lack of support and assistance from our council for the Stanley community.
Their focus seems to be supporting the development of Beechworth’s tourist precincts.
We are highly restricted in planning issues, yet we pay rates without the same services provided to others in the shire.
There is a lack of recognition of primary producers on smaller land holdings which have operated sustainably for many years and are supported and acknowledge by all other government departments except our shire.
A lack of support for community projects and developments prevails where Beechworth is given priority.
What do you see as one of the important current world issues?
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all care for one another, regardless of religion or race.
In the words of John Lennon “All you need is Love”.
If the person you would most like to meet came to Indigo Shire (past or present), or was already here, who would that be, what would you show them, and why?
The late John Lennon as I love and relate to all that he stood for.
I would show him the most beautiful places, the Magic Forest, the incredible vista from the Mt Stanley Lookout and the view from the Murmungee Lookout showcasing the mountains and the valleys of this amazing place.
Hopefully he could, as I do tap into the amazing vibe that that is North East Victoria.
What book are you reading?
‘Spiritual Activator’ by Oliver Nino where the author looks at energy healing and clearing energetic blocks in our bodies, trauma, fear, guilt and anger.
Explaining how this will help us to sustain better health and happiness.