4 March 2025
MP questions Future Made in Australia program

INDI federal Independent MP Helen Haines has raised integrity concerns over the government’s signature Future Made In Australia program.

The $22.7 billion program is the largest budget measure in this term of parliament outside the defence portfolio, but Dr Haines said it lacked guardrails and oversight over the spending.

“There is a giant question mark where integrity and transparency measures should be in this legislation,” she said.

“We are talking about tens of billions of taxpayers' money and I want to make sure the public knows where this money is going.”

Dr Haines will move three key amendments to the Future Made in Australia Bill, saying there must be adequate transparency over the spending measures, which aim to unlock economic benefits as part of the transition to a net zero economy.

Dr Haines cited multiple organisations that have raised similar concerns, including the Productivity Commission, Climate Council, Grattan Institute and Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Pointing to her End Pork Barrelling Bill tabled in Parliament in 2023 as a way to improve integrity and oversight across the board, Dr Haines said solutions to the gaps are not hard to find.

“My End Pork Barrelling Bill provides a framework to ensure government spending of taxpayer money is done transparently, by requiring clear selection criteria for grants and creating a Parliamentary Joint Committee to oversee grant administration,” she said.

“If my End Pork Barrelling Bill was passed, concerns about the integrity of these Future Made in Australia grants would be alleviated.”

Dr Haines wrote to the Treasurer last month, expressing her concerns on the Future Made in Australia Bill and outlining her amendments, and is met with the Treasurer on Monday to discuss them further.

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